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School Welcome

Welcome To

Westcourt Primary School

Learn, Aspire, Achieve


  • Fire Safety Talks

    Thu 25 Jan 2018
    We had a visit today from the Kent Fire Service, who spoke to all the year groups about fire safety. The children had lots of good ideas and learnt a lot about what they need to do to stay safe. Why don't you ask your child about the important messages they learned today. 
  • Parents Assessment Meeting

    Thu 11 Jan 2018
    Thank you to all the parents that came to the assessment meeting today with Mrs Aldham-Breary. Attached below is the power point from the meeting. Please do come into school and ask any further questions if you have them.
  • Assessment Ambassador Assembly - Term 3

    Thu 11 Jan 2018
    Today's whole-school assembly was led by the Assessment Ambassadors.  They explained about the targets each year group are going to focus on in Maths, we found out about what other work they have been doing, and they revealed which class had won the best assessment display!  You can see the PowerPoint below:
  • Dreams and Ambitions Day

    Tue 09 Jan 2018

    As you know, we started Term 3 with a very special day in school - Dreams and Ambitions day!  The children came to school dressed for the job they would like to do when they are older, and as Miss Sexton said in her Happy New Year message there were a huge variety of jobs on display (one pupil even came as the Prime Minister!).  Throughout the day, all the classes thoughts about these dreams and ambitions and how they could achieve them, as well as what challenges might stand in their way and how these could be overcome.  There was a wide range of work shared in the sharing assembly at the end of the day - including dream catchers, posters and a fantastic video that Year 5 created of an inspirational poem.


    Below are just a few pictures from the day - can you guess what jobs had been selected?

  • Happy New Year!

    Sat 06 Jan 2018

    Dear Parent/Carers,

    I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year! We had a fantastic start to 2018 with our Dreams and Ambitions Day. The children came dressed in a wide range of jobs that they would like to do when they are older. We had policemen, firefighters, nurses, teachers, authors, artists, film producers, a Red Coat, an elephant conservationist to name a few! Thank you so much for your support in this day. It made for a great start to term and the children shared their learning with the whole school at the end of the day. I look forward to seeing their dreams come true!


    Miss Sexton


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Contact Us:

Westcourt Primary School is part of The Primary First Trust Limited, a company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales number 08738750 and an Exempt Charity

Registered Address: The White House, Clifton Marine Parade, Gravesend DA11
