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School Welcome

Welcome To

Westcourt Primary School

Learn, Aspire, Achieve

Notices and Events

Westcourt & Whitehill Primary Summer Club 2024

Drama workshop Summer 24

Home Start Volunteer Information October 24

Save the Date! - upcoming events in term 6

Summer Fair - Tuesday 11th June 2024

Non uniform day - Friday 24th May 2024

May half term football club

Thursday 16th May - Special Lunch Menu

Dear Parents & Carers,


Please find attached the latest edition of PFT Life, bringing you the latest news and updates from our schools across The Primary First Trust.


Included in this term's review is a link to the recent Parent Survey that over 800 of you so kindly completed - more than twice last year's number!  Please take a look to see how we are doing and the steps we are taking to improve even more.


Thanks for your continued engagement and have a great break when it comes.


Best wishes,

Andrew Moorhouse

Chief Executive Officer


The Primary First Trust

The White House

Clifton Marine Parade

Gravesend DA11 0DV

PFT Life - latest edition

Notice of Events Coming in Term 5

Easter half term club at Westcourt Primary & Nursery School

Notice of Events Coming in Term 4

World Book Day Friday 8th March 2024

If your child has a character costume they would like to wear on World Book Day, they may do so.  If your child does not wish to partake in dressing up or wearing PJ's, they need to come in full school uniform.  Thank you.

Family Prize Bingo - Friday 22nd March

Perform Drama Classes

Stage Coach Performing Arts Flyer

Foodbank Autumn 2023 - this year we raised 143kg, 90kg more than last year! Thank you.

Westcourt PTA - Join Us!

Message from Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

PFT Parent Survey February 2023

Sir Linkalot

Parents of children aged 0 to 5 years - Have your say

Donate My School / Gift Amnesty

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The Primary First Trust Survey - letter and results

Community Events

School Logo Watermark

Contact Us:

Westcourt Primary School is part of The Primary First Trust Limited, a company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales number 08738750 and an Exempt Charity

Registered Address: The White House, Clifton Marine Parade, Gravesend DA11
