Visions and Values

At Westcourt Primary and Nursery School we believe in the following and promote them in all that we do;
- Respect
- Resilience
- Positive Relationships
- Well Being
- Inclusivity
Children will be confident, aspirational citizens, equipped with a passion for learning and the skills to succeed.

Mission Statement
Westcourt Primary and Nursery is a community school in which all children are valued and differences are celebrated. The school is a safe and caring environment in which every child is enabled to succeed. Children develop a growth mind-set so that they thrive on challenges. Links within learning are explicit, with many opportunities for the wider curriculum catered for. We believe in the importance of developing language acquisition in children, providing high quality texts and opportunities to explore new vocabulary. Reading is fundamental to success and will provide access to the wider world. Children are taught to make positive choices; they discuss and understand consequences of their actions.
The Westcourt Way
Be Gentle
Do tell an adult if you feel that you are going to hurt someone because you are angry with them.
Be Honest
Always be honest so that people will trust you and the consequences won't get worse.
Work Hard
Be proud of your achievements.
Look After Property
Always look after the school premises and equipment.
Always Listen
You must always listen to people so they can listen to you.
Always Share
There is always a time in our lives that we have to share.