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School Welcome

Welcome To

Westcourt Primary School

Learn, Aspire, Achieve

Cold Weather!

Dear Parent/Carers,

As you know we are forecasted to have some extremely cold weather this week, with the possibility of snow. Please can you ensure that all children come to school appropriately dressed with a hat, scarf and gloves. As a school we will monitor how long the children spend out at break. This might mean that we take the decision to have a short run around outside with a longer indoor break so that they don’t get cold.

Year 6 children who are going on residential, please make sure that you pack lots of layers to wear. Miss Marshall, Mr Trodd and the PGL staff will make sure that the children are kept active at all times and the timetable maybe adjusted to ensure that the children have a balance of indoor and outdoor activities. We will make sure that they keep warm!

If we do have snow this week, please do check the school website for updates and where we will also post live updates.

We will endeavour to keep the school open at all times.

Many thanks for your help, keep wrapped up and stay warm!

Miss Sexton

Head Teacher

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Contact Us:

Westcourt Primary School is part of The Primary First Trust Limited, a company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales number 08738750 and an Exempt Charity

Registered Address: The White House, Clifton Marine Parade, Gravesend DA11
