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School Welcome

Welcome To

Westcourt Primary School

Learn, Aspire, Achieve

Phase 2 Build

I know that lots of parents and children have been asking about the phase two build and the progress that is being made. Due to some unforeseen circumstances progress was slower at the start of the summer than anticipated but I can now report on the progress that has been made.

All of the outside ground work has been completed and the internal steels have gone into the building. You can see from the pictures that the shape of the classroom structure is coming together. The old toilets have been knocked down ready for the new extension which will contain the stairwell, changing rooms and toilets. You will soon see the new windows going in at the front of the building for the year 6 classroom.

Many thanks for your continued understanding and patience on site as the building work progresses.

Miss Sexton

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Contact Us:

Westcourt Primary School is part of The Primary First Trust Limited, a company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales number 08738750 and an Exempt Charity

Registered Address: The White House, Clifton Marine Parade, Gravesend DA11
