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School Welcome

Welcome To

Westcourt Primary School

Learn, Aspire, Achieve

A warm welcome to Westcourt for our new families

Friday 12th July - Come and Meet Us!

Tours of School for Reception September 2024


If you would like to come and visit our school, please book onto one of our 'Tours' by emailing or contacting the office.


phone:  01474 566411


The tours are on the following dates;


Tuesday 31st October 23 at 9:30am

Wednesday 15th November 23 at 2pm

Monday 27th November 23 at 10am

Tuesday 5th December 23 at 10:30am

Friday 5th January 24 at 1:30pm


Information for Primary Admissions

Welcome to Westcourt Primary and Nursery School 

Westcourt is a two form entry primary school in Gravesend. We are extremely proud of our school and would love you to join our growing school community. 


Welcome to Westcourt Primary and Nursery School

If you require any more information or would like to talk to the Head Teacher please call the school on 01474 566411 and we will arrange a mutually convenient time for this. 

The Primary First Trust

What is it like to be at Westcourt? 

This is what parents recently said about the school,

Westcourt is a lovely, friendly school . Each child is greeted by name, made a good choice.

Children are happy.

He goes in every morning with a smile; he is safe and everyone treats him fairly.

Every child feels important.

The school attends to every need.

I would never consider another school. 


In November 2019 the school had a very positive Ofsted visit and we are a good school. 

Please read the full report here

Here are a couple of quotes from the report


Westcourt is a friendly, welcoming school. Pupils love coming to the school and feel happy here. Pupils and staff get on well together. Pupils and their parents and carers appreciate the care and kindness of the head teacher and the staff, who are good role models for the pupils. Pupils display these qualities towards each other. They work and play together very well.



The school is a calm, orderly haven for pupils. Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. Pupils feel safe and well looked after. Pupils say that there is no bullying. They feel that, if anything did happen, they could talk to staff, who would listen and deal with any issues quickly and fairly.

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is exciting and dynamic based around our Power of Reading text. The school has a two year curriculum which teachers continue to update and develop.

For more information on our curriculum, head over to the curriculum page. 


Sounds Write

A question that parents often ask is how do you teach my child to read and write? At Westcourt we use the sounds write scheme which is a high quality phonics programme which teaches reading, spelling and writing. It provides fast effective teaching for children at all levels. The children take part in sounds write lessons each day, often in small groups, so that teaching staff can focus all all pupils and their progress. 

Accelerated Reader

Accelerated reader is a computer based program that monitors reading practice and progress. It helps teachers to guide pupils to books that are on individual reading levels. All pupils take a short quiz after reading their book to check if they have understood it.



Myon is our online reading platform. Children have an individual log in and have access to a 100 books to read!

Myon helps to foster pupils engagement and achievement in reading. Titles are matched to children's reading ability and interests. books in Myon are linked to Accelerated Reader therefore quizzes can be taken on all the books. 


Our Grounds 

Westcourt has extensive grounds that the children enjoy all year round. We have recently had our phase two extension completed. Year 5 and 6 are now in this beautiful part of our school. Our classrooms are large and bright giving children a fantastic learning environment in which they can learn and flourish.




Children can start at Westcourt Primary School as soon as they are 3 years old. We have a fantastic nursery in which children can come for 15 hours a week for either a morning or afternoon session. We are able to have 26 children in each session.

Forest School

During the children’s reception year, the children have the opportunity to go to forest school in Shorne Country Park. The time spent at forest school is lots of fun but it also helps to develop children's self-esteem, independence and exploration. Each class is accompanied by an experienced ranger as well as school staff.  


Watch a video about it here.

Residential Trips

In Year 4 and 6 the children have the opportunity to go on a residential trip. In Year 4 the children go for two nights to the Kingswood activity centre in Ashford.


In Year 6 the children travel to Windmill Hill in Sussex and spend 4 exciting nights at the PGL centre.

Rock Steady

Learning an instrument should be fun. Your child can choose from the electric guitar, keyboard, drums or vocals and enjoy playing in a happy, supportive environment with their friends. Your child’s music teacher will also be their role model. Which is why all Rocksteady Band Leaders are carefully chosen, extensively trained musicians who know how to inspire a life-long love of playing music. Lessons are 30 minutes long and take place in school time with all instruments provided, making it hassle-free for parents.


Please see the Rock Steady website for further information

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club runs Monday to Friday every week from 8am.  We do offer an early start service for working parents from 7.45, please enquire about this. Breakfast is served until 8.25 daily.



School Home Support

School Home Support give support beyond education. This is a link between home and school providing advice and information on issues such as the following;

  • school attendance
  • housing and money worries
  • benefits and support around filling in forms
  • general advice and support

They are here to help!


Please speak to Clare Scudder.

If you require any further information about the school please contact the school office on 01474 566411 or email


School Logo Watermark

Contact Us:

Westcourt Primary School is part of The Primary First Trust Limited, a company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales number 08738750 and an Exempt Charity

Registered Address: The White House, Clifton Marine Parade, Gravesend DA11
