School Money - online payment and booking service
School Money Parent User Guide
We have been asked various questions regarding the new online system. Please see below which may help you if you have issues logging in. The User Guide for Parents is attached, above, this has lots of helpful advice in.
If you are still having difficulties, please let school know. The office staff will try to help, however, please be advised that this system is not a Westcourt run system, therefore if we are not able to help you, we may have to seek further advice from School Money on your behalf.
How to log in? (this is not for creating your account, just logging in)
To login, parents need to go to click on the SIGN IN button in the top right and choose the option of SchoolMoney Parent Login. Parents will be asked to enter their mobile number, email address, password and child's first name. If the parent is struggling, please see the comprehensive Parent Login Tips sheet which is in the User Manual section on the attached document.
Where are after school clubs to be able to book and pay?
After school clubs will show under Payments. You will only be able to see the clubs that are relevant for your child until all the limited spaces are taken.
Where can I check to see what I have paid for?
If you would like to know what transactions you have made and if the payment has been successful, you can find all this information in the History section.
How do I pay for breakfast club?
Breakfast club will show under Clubs. You can top up for your child from this section.